There are 2 different types of people who will tell you that you can't make a difference in this world. They are 1) Those who are afraid to try and 2) Those who are afraid you will succeed.

Twitter Bookmarklet with Instant Word Count for Sending Tweets

The official Twitter bookmarklet helps you to share texts from a web page to Twitter quickly but there is even a better way than the official Twitter bookmarklet and learn more about it in this post.

You can gain some traffic to your blog post by sharing your web pages with the Twitter feed by clicking "Share on Twitter" through the Twitter bookmarklet which is available at the official Twitter developer website dev.twitter.com but the problem is when the selected text exceeds the limit of 140 characters, you can't share it and you need to remove some text for sharing.

There is an alternative to the official Twitter bookmarklet from the Emph.it which shows the text count while selecting the text itself so there will be no further modification after selecting the text and thus your time is saved.

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