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What is the SOS feature of the iBall Andi mobile?

What is the SOS feature of the iBall Andi mobile?

Do you recently saw a advertisement regarding the "SOS Button of the iBall Andi" on the TV during the T20 WorldCup? Get here the full information about the iBall Audi Uddaan mobile phones safety option and about how to use it.

India had seen some bad crimes against the women for last few years and many companies had introduced some security features for the women. iBall Audi, the leading mobile phone accesary manufracture had made a cell phone with a security feature for the emergency situations. The name of the security feature is 'SOS' meaning "Save Our Souls" or "Save Our Ship" and it can be easily accessed by clicking the heart button on the back side of the mobile phone.

What will happen if the user clicks the SOS button?

  1. A siren sound will be alarmed from the mobile and so the nearby people can known that someone is in trouble and needs a help.
  2. An automatic pre-defined SMS will be sended to number of contacts which can be relatives and police stations.
  3. A Facebook emergency alert will also be automatically updated.
  4. It also helps your friends and family to track your location with the help of the GPS.
  5. The phone has the inbuild application known as the "ICE - In Case Of Emergency" which helps to identify the victims blood group, contact details, past medical checkups and other details during the Emergency situations.


The user has to maintain some mobile balance and needs to have active internet connection for sending the SMS and FB alert messages.

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