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How the Ratings of Television Programs & Series calculated in India?

How the Ratings of Television Programs & Series calculated in India?

Are you excited to know about how a TV program is rated? Find how the popularity of a particular program is being measured and learn to get Television Rating Point for a program by yourself.
If you are a advertiser then you will know how important is to find the viewership of a television program before advertising your product on it. If you sponser a program which is not liked or watched by the people then you are wasting your money.

The are four different methods which calculates television program ratings and how famous a TV series is.

Television Rating Point (TRP)

People Meter

The TRP is one of the first system invented to find the viewership demography. The Nielsen ratings is the popular TRP system in America. People Meter, small frequency tracking chip is placed on some televisions which gathers and sends the information to the TRP company and with the help of it, we can collect which times of the day has higher viewership and other data. Indian Television Audience Measurement (INTAM ) is the only the TRP raters in India who finds the Indian program's popularity. They had installed the ratings meter only in some televisions since its cost is higher (
only in 5,500 television in India)
. This system is almost outdated and not accurate!

Picture Monitoring or Picture Matching Technique

In this method, small portion of the picture is satellite channel signal is passed and demodulated by the INTAM base station. This technology is a recent invention and working better than the "People Meter" method.

Receiving Feed Back Mails

This is one of the old method but still more accurate and effective. Now Emails slowly replacing the feedback mails and thus we can rate a show quicker. The users can also give suggestions directly to the program broadcaster.

Number of Subscribers

Its not possible to find popularity of channel by the number of subscribes a channel get in the DTH but we can figure out which TV channel is famous among the public.

Social Networking Status

By looking at the number of likes in facebook and number of tweets a program gets, you can spot which programs hits in the people hearts and which fails.

Number of Advertisers

As a viewer, you can find the high rated shows by counting the number of Ads displayed in between the program.

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