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Recover the deleted files from your Nimbuzz Online Gallery [Info]

Recover the deleted files from your Nimbuzz Online Gallery [Info]

Did you deleted your files from your Nimbuzz account or it had been automatically deleted? Get here the information and possible ways to get it back!

Nimbuzz is one of the popular messenger developed by a dutch company and it has targeted and gaining users from India, Pakistan, Philipines, Indonesia and other countries. Nimbuzz previously won't delete the files stored on the users account but recently they had reversed their desicion. Now the pictures, videos, voice messages and other files stored on a user's account will be deleted after 3 months. This new rule is due to the insufficient space for storing them on the Nimbuzz servers and hence they delete the files which cross the three months time frame.

  1. Don't make it too late: Once your friend sends you a file, download it from the Nimbuzz online galary and save it on your computer storage immediately (or at least before the death end).
  2. What about deleted files?: We had contact the Nimbuzz team and they had told us that once a file is deleted automatically or by the user itself from the online gallery then it can't be restored or fixed!
  3. Any other way?: The one and only possible way to recover your file is by asking your friend to send the file again to you.
  4. New feature: The Nimbuzz team is working on a new feature which will increase the storage time limit of the user files for a small fee.

Nimbuzz team also asked its users to use low memory files to transfer and asked the users to delete the unwanted files to give space for storing the new files in the server.

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