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Make a wet cell phone to work again [Guide]

Make a wet cell phone to work again [Guide]

Did your mobile phone fallen in the water or wet by rain and can't able to turn it ON? Get the quick guidance here to switch ON your smartphone and to make it work again.

Water is one of the greatest enemy to the electronic gadgets unless its a waterproof and waterproof technology is not available on all wireless cell phones. In most cases, the mobile faces into the water from the shirt pockets while leaning towards the ground for picking an object. Even some waterproof mobiles comes with limitation on how many hours its needs to be inside the water. Here we are going to see the immediate steps needs to be taken from the user side to give life to a death mobile phone.

  1. Prevention is better than cure: Buy a waterproof smartphone or seal your mobile tight with a cover which is capable of preventing the water from entering the phone.
  2. Take the mobile from the water soon as possible: If the phone stays much longer in the water, more damages will happen.
  3. Remove parts: Instead of switching the mobile immediately, remove the external panels, battery, memory card and the SIM card.
  4. Clean the water: Take a warm cloth which is capable of sucking water and clean the gadget completely.
  5. Dry the mobile: Keep your mobile above the television or any other electronic device which is warm and turn ON the fan.
  6. Wait: Before switching ON your mobile phone, please wait for 2-3 days.

These are the above steps needs to be done by the user and if even after this, your mobile gives you a trouble then you have to call an expert who can handle it.

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