There are 2 different types of people who will tell you that you can't make a difference in this world. They are 1) Those who are afraid to try and 2) Those who are afraid you will succeed.

Blog Meaning in Hindi Language: ब्लॉग [और के लिए यहां क्लिक करें]

आप हिन्दी में ब्लॉग का अर्थ पता करना चाहते हैं? तुम भी ब्लॉगिंग और ब्लॉगर हिंदी भाषा में अर्थ के बारे में सीख सकते हैं।. Do you want to know meaning of blog in Hindi? You can also learn about blogspot, blogging and blogger meaning in hindi language.

ब्लॉग क्या है. The blog meaning in hindi language is ब्लॉग. The person will write about a topic periodically in a website. The blog is also a website. After explaining the hindi meaning of blog, I will explain how to become a blogger.

Do these 5 things to become a successful blogger

I am an admitted planner and management tool nut. I have about 7 business planners. I have appointment managers. I have the best books, software, notebooks and planning systems from Franklin Covey, Day Runner and just about anyone else on the market.

I have a lot of things to balance (ministry, family, business, golf ... usually in that order :o) and I need planners and reminders to keep me on track.

Emphasis is on the REMINDERS.

I even have a software program that sends me emails each day reminding me of important appointments and activities.
Reminders are a good thing. Sometimes they jar us back to reality like a bone-shaking tackle by a middle linebacker, but, still, they are a good thing.
And publishing this article has been a "good thing" for me. It's been a reminder. A reminder of the important things about publishing.
You see, if we're not careful, we get into a "rut" when it comes to publishing, specifically in publishing our NEWSLETTERS. While I am no longer publishing an ezine, opting to devote my content to articles, reports and mini-courses, many of my subscribers ARE newsletter publishers.
So, I've put together this "checklist" of reminders that I have personally experienced during the past few days as my focus has been refreshed.
Ask yourself these 5 questions before publishing your next newsletter issue...


One of the things that has drawn me to blogging is the amazing passion of most bloggers. Those who publish a blog are usually those who just love to talk about their particular interest. It's what they talk about when they are OFFLINE. It's what they think about. It's a part of their lives. And they just want to share it with anyone who is willing to listen.
When newsletters "began", that was driving force... passion. And, for many, the passion is still alive. And they'd publish their ezine even if they only had a handful of subscribers who were mostly relatives. Doesn't matter. If someone is willing to listen, they'll talk via a newsletter.
The focus isn't on the "numbers" (I.E. How many subscribers do I have on my list) but rather is on the "topic", the thing that they can't seem to get enough of, or give enough of.
What about you? Is the passion still there?


Spend enough time here and you'll get to know me. More than what I KNOW as a marketer, you'll learn about what I BELIEVE as a fellow human.
You'll also get to know about me and my life. Maybe more than you want to know. You'll learn that I am a committed Christian, that I absolutely love to play golf, I have a wonderful wife and little boy and I can quote just about every episode of the Andy Griffith Show.
And, to the great dismay and terror of my buddy Ryan Deiss, I will ocassionally eat a potted meat sandwich.
See, I told you it might be more than you want to know. :o)
The point is this: we're going to connect. Sooner or later, you'll get to know me. And I'll become a part of your life, hopefully as a good, positive source of encouragement and guidance.
I don't hide behind a mask. I don't pretend to be something that I'm not. You get the real me. There will be times you love me, there will be times you won't love me as much. But, one thing will be certain, you'll see a real person that you can connect with.
More than a publisher, I'm a person. 
That's what folks want. They don't want a "newsletter publisher" sending them mailings every week. They want a "newsletter person" who will be real with them. Someone who can be personal. Someone they can relate to.
Someone like themselves.
Will you be that person?


Let's be honest here: the only thing that will BRING YOU BACK to a site is whether or not you feel like you have gained something in going there. If you've been educated, you'll be back. If you've been entertained, you'll be back. If you have found something to be beneficial to you, then you'll come back over and over again. And you'll stay as long as you continue to gain something.
Newsletters should PROVIDE something to their readers. And that's QUALITY content. That's something that either EDUCATES or ENTERTAINS. Or, preferably, BOTH.
As a publisher of a newsletter, do you give of yourself to your readers? More than just trying to get them to buy something or do something... are you doing something for them?


Learn this truth right now: the most read newsletters are the ones who are hosted by the most opinionated authors. Those who stand up and share their thoughts, even when those thoughts are controversial and go against popular opinion will always get attention.
I'm not saying "go against the grain" just for the sake of stirring up a hornet's nest. Not saying that at all. I'm just saying "Speak your mind." If you've got something to say, say it. If something's bothering you, get it off your chest. Be authentic. Be real.
Don't deliberately try to harm or offend, but don't be afraid to stand up and be counted. Some will agree. Some will disagree. (That's okay... because they are entitled to their opinion too.) But all will READ.
The point is this: your newsletter is your mouthpiece. You want to guard it against hurtful words, but you always want it to be honest and forthright, sharing the "truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth" about your passion, whether it's traditional or cutting edge in its opinions.


OK, so not all newsletters are out to produce profits. But, for the sake of this "Publishing for PROFITS" checklist, let's assume that you ARE trying to make money from your ezine. And let's look at how most profitable newsletters make money (those that ARE trying to produce profits).
Here it is in a nutshell: They are money makers, but not money grabbers.
Yes, you'll see links to my products on my sites. Yes, you'll see an affiliate link here and there. Yes, I'll try to get you on a list. Yes, sooner or later I'd like you to spend some money with me.
There, I said it. It's out in the open. No secret there. I provide you with great content (investing in you) and I hope you'll do more business with me (invest in me) down the road.

Now, contrast that with how many newsletters are structured these days (admittedly, some of mine were too): They've got a top sponsor ad trying to get your money. They have a classified ad section trying to get your money. There are ads sprinkled throughout the featured article. The resource box at the bottom of that article leads to another place trying to get your money. There is a "review" of a product which is embedded with an affiliate link. There are "recommended resources" plugged in there to get you to buy something. There are special solo mailings coming to you as a list member that are designed to get into your wallet.

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